Сет-лист первого концерта To The Bone-тура Стивена Уилсона, стартовавшего в Лиссабоне 31 января:
Выход на бис:
19. Harmony Korine
20. The Raven That Refused to Sing
- To the Bone
- Nowhere Now
- Pariah
- Home Invasion
- Regret #9
- People Who Eat Darkness
- Refuge
- Ancestral
- Arriving Somewhere but Not Here
- Permanating
- Song of I
- Lazarus
- The Same Asylum as Before
- Detonation
- Sleep Together
- The Creator Has a Mastertape
- Heartattack in a Layby
- Even Less
Выход на бис:
19. Harmony Korine
20. The Raven That Refused to Sing